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A very warm welcome

Welcome to The Catholic Church of Fareham and Portchester. Our church is proud to work together within our diverse communities to share the message of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as well as the many blessings we have received.

As a place of worship, community, and love, we warmly welcome everyone to join us in celebrating and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our doors are always open, especially to those who seek comfort, guidance, and support.

We invite all parishioners and visitors to participate within the life of the parish and get involved in the many activities we undertake to support a healthy and vibrant community. Whether you are seeking spiritual nourishment, fellowship, or opportunities to serve others, we offer a wide range of ministries and programmes suitable for all ages and interests. From volunteering for ministries and visiting the sick and elderly, to participating in youth groups and Bible study sessions, there is something for everyone at our church.

Parish News and Events

Please keep up to date with parish news and activities

Prayer Requests:
For Tom Turnbull, Alan Cassidy, young Beth, Carol Lewis,

Peter & Carol Aspin, Kathleen Robertson and Daniel Horisk
Also for the sick of the parish and the prayer intentions off parishioners.

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By Webmaster March 22, 2025
LENT APPEAL CMACONNECTFAREHAM.ORG CMA was started by Churches Together in Fareham We're a group of Christians who believe, even in the most difficult of times, there is hope for the future. We want to share that hope with anyone struggling with debt. CMA help anyone worried about money or debt to access free, confidential debt advice. The advisors CMA work with are approved by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). A Listening Ear CMA are here to listen and talk through your worries with you. Our befrienders believe prayer changes situations, and are able to pray for and with you if you would like that. Access to Free Advice CMA Connect Fareham are part of a national charity offering access to free, confidential debt advice, whatever a persons circumstances, background or faith.
By Webmaster March 22, 2025
LENT DEVOTIONS Stations of the Cross and Benediction Wednesday & Friday, 9:15am before Mass Sundays 4pm at Sacred Heart Church A physical, mental, and spiritual devotion. Walking from station to station, we think what happened in that station, uniting our sufferings with Christ’s. 7am Dawn Mass Thursdays in Lent . Sacred Heart Church  A simple mass followed by a lovely breakfast in the Hall hosted by the UCM supporting our CMA Lent Appeal.
By Webmaster March 22, 2025
In order to faithfully keep watch with the Lord in the ‘Garden’, we need to ensure we have at least four Guardians of the Blessed Sacrament between Mass (c.9pm) and Night Prayer at 11pm. Please contact the office if you can volunteer for a 30 min slot or can keep vigil all evening.
By Webmaster March 22, 2025
Palm Sunday Blessing of the Palms and Passion Gospel There will be a second collection for the Easter Flowers 6.30pm Vigil No palm procession. 9am Mass Gather on the pavement by the railings of the Sacred Heart Church (facing the Bus Station) We’ll process into our Church via the Foyer. 11am Mass Gather in the hall. We’ll process via hall exit into our Church via the Foyer. 6pm Mass No palm procession Holy Tuesday Chrism Mass - Mass of the Sacred Oils 11am St John’s Cathedral, Portsmouth All are very welcome for this important gathering of the Diocese in the Cathedral, with the Bishop and his Clergy renewing their Ordination promises. Do try and join us! The Solemn Blessing of the Oils; of Catechumens, the Sick and consecration of the Oil of Chrism for our community. Maundy Thursday At St Philip Howard Church 7:30pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper Procession of the Oils, Washing of the Feet, The Eucharist, and procession of the Bl. Sacrament taken from the Church. Watching - Altar of Repose in the Hall. Night Prayer at c.11pm. Good Friday 9am Stations of the Cross - Sacred Heart Church. 9.45am Walk of Witness - in Precinct 10:15am Service of Witness - West St. Podium. 3pm Passion of Our Lord At St Philip Howard Church Holy Saturday At Sacred Heart Church 9.30am Office of Readings & Morning Prayer Święnconka - Blessing of the Easter Baskets 10am - Immaculate Conception Church, Stubbington The Resurrection of the Lord 8:30pm The Easter Vigil At St Philip Howard Church The Fire, Blessing of Paschal Candle, Sequence, Liturgy of Light, Scripture readings, Blessing of Water, Renewal of Baptismal Promises, Initiations, Confirmation and Eucharist. Reception in Hall afterwards!  Easter Sunday 9am Dawn Mass - Sacred Heart Church 11am Day Mass - St Philip Howard Church
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By Webmaster March 22, 2025
For Holy Week and Easter. Sat 12th April , 9 – 12 Noon. Please help us do a deep clean as we prepare to celebrate Easter. Can you give an hour or so? Refreshments incl.!
By Webmaster March 22, 2025
Next Preparation Pathway Online preparation sessions Tues 6th & 13th May Group Meet & Greet Saturday 17th May Welcome & Anointing Sunday 18th May Why not take part while ‘still expecting’? Contact the parish office for more information.
By Webmaster February 9, 2025
ADORE SPIRITUAL MINI-RETREAT 22nd Feb 10.00-1.00 "PILGRIMS OF HOPE – THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OUR GUIDE.” Including Mass, Adoraton, Praise, Prophecy, Prayer for the gits of the Holy Spirit and inspiring guest speaker Gerry Penfold. Please register for the free Zoom meetng in advance at bit.ly/ADOREFEB2025
By Webmaster February 8, 2025
A REMINDER FOR ALL, INCLUDING THE YOUTH OF THE PARISH. The collected comments from the Solent Pastoral Area meetngs about the 10 Year Plan are displayed in the halls of Sacred Heart and St. Philip Howard. Your responses to them are important, please post them in one of the boxes which will soon be placed in the halls.
By Webmaster January 11, 2025
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - CONFESSIONS Every Thursday after 10am Mass. 1st Saturday 10 - 11am. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays 5 - 6pm. ‘We don't drift to Heaven like we think we do. Just like Olympic athletes, reaching Heaven takes intentional sacrifice and purpose. We cannot be united to God unless we freely choose to love him.” Fr Mike Schmitz
By Webmaster January 11, 2025
URGENT - SACRED HEART CHURCH CLEANERS Wednesdays 1pm - 2pm or Mon 10am - 11am A big thank you to the Teams cleaning Sacred Heart Church especially a􀅌er the foo􀆞all of Christmas and New Year. We have a constant flow of visitors, please can we ask for more volunteers to help with the church cleaning, rather that leaving it to Cn John and the faithful few. For more info please contact the Parish Office.
By Webmaster August 17, 2024
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION -  Sacred Heart Ch Every Thursday after 10am Mass; 1st Saturday of the month 10am - 11am; Remaining Saturdays 5 - 6pm.
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By Webmaster March 22, 2025
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - CONFESSIONS Every Thursday during Lent at 10am (except 13th March) 1st Saturday 10 - 11am. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays 5 - 6pm. PASTORAL AREA SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Our Lady & St John, Stubbington During the week: 9am - 9:20am or a ft er Mass Saturday (Our Lady): 5:15pm - 5:45pm St Mary, Gosport Wednesday: 6:15pm - 6:45pm Saturday: 12 noon - 1pm St Margaret Mary, Park Gate Saturday during Lent: 5-6pm
By Webmaster March 22, 2025
LENT DEVOTIONS Stations of the Cross and Benediction Wednesday & Friday, 9:15am before Mass Sundays 4pm at Sacred Heart Church A physical, mental, and spiritual devotion. Walking from station to station, we think what happened in that station, uniting our sufferings with Christ’s. 7am Dawn Mass Thursdays in Lent . Sacred Heart Church  A simple mass followed by a lovely breakfast in the Hall hosted by the UCM supporting our CMA Lent Appeal.
By Webmaster March 22, 2025
Palm Sunday Blessing of the Palms and Passion Gospel There will be a second collection for the Easter Flowers 6.30pm Vigil No palm procession. 9am Mass Gather on the pavement by the railings of the Sacred Heart Church (facing the Bus Station) We’ll process into our Church via the Foyer. 11am Mass Gather in the hall. We’ll process via hall exit into our Church via the Foyer. 6pm Mass No palm procession Holy Tuesday Chrism Mass - Mass of the Sacred Oils 11am St John’s Cathedral, Portsmouth All are very welcome for this important gathering of the Diocese in the Cathedral, with the Bishop and his Clergy renewing their Ordination promises. Do try and join us! The Solemn Blessing of the Oils; of Catechumens, the Sick and consecration of the Oil of Chrism for our community. Maundy Thursday At St Philip Howard Church 7:30pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper Procession of the Oils, Washing of the Feet, The Eucharist, and procession of the Bl. Sacrament taken from the Church. Watching - Altar of Repose in the Hall. Night Prayer at c.11pm. Good Friday 9am Stations of the Cross - Sacred Heart Church. 9.45am Walk of Witness - in Precinct 10:15am Service of Witness - West St. Podium. 3pm Passion of Our Lord At St Philip Howard Church Holy Saturday At Sacred Heart Church 9.30am Office of Readings & Morning Prayer Święnconka - Blessing of the Easter Baskets 10am - Immaculate Conception Church, Stubbington The Resurrection of the Lord 8:30pm The Easter Vigil At St Philip Howard Church The Fire, Blessing of Paschal Candle, Sequence, Liturgy of Light, Scripture readings, Blessing of Water, Renewal of Baptismal Promises, Initiations, Confirmation and Eucharist. Reception in Hall afterwards!  Easter Sunday 9am Dawn Mass - Sacred Heart Church 11am Day Mass - St Philip Howard Church
By webmaster March 9, 2025
SOLENT PASTORAL AREA (SPA) - An Update As you may recall from the last Update before Christmas, the bishop has agreed that we should aim to establish the new parish envisaged in the Ten-year diocesan plan by September 2026 - which is now “next year”! The Solent Pastoral Area Advisory Group (SPAAG) has started to make plans for this change and, to help in this work, 3 subgroups have been formed. The St Peter Group will focus on the ongoing formation of the laity across the Pastoral Area. It will explore what parishioners feel they need and the topics, methods and resources that would best meet those needs. The St Paul Group will focus on evangelisation in the wider community of our towns and will grow out of other mission efforts such as the Zion mission happening in Fareham in June. Finally, the St Matthew Group will address Pastoral Area finances, property and resources, working alongside parish Finance Chairs and the Diocesan Canon Lawyer (changes such as those proposed entail a lot of processes that are enshrined in Canon law). More info. about the groups will be shared as and when it becomes available and, meanwhile, these SPA Updates are now being shared across all our existing parishes.


By Webmaster March 23, 2025
JOEL'S BAR https://www.joelsbar.co.uk/joelsbar25 Sun 6th – Fri 11th April. Worth Abbey, Crawley. A Young Adults ministry of CELEBRATE Trust, serving ages 18 -28! Our timetable of various ways to engage both with God and each other; Sacraments, Praise and Worship, Prayer Ministry, group discussion, workshops, sports, evenings of entertainment and lots of time to socialise and build community in our Cafe and Bar! Ticket includes full board accommodation. Info: www.joelsbar.co.uk/contact
By Webmaster March 9, 2025
MESSY CHURCH 2nd Thursday of each month, 3.30 till 6.00pm at Portchester Methodist Church. Crafts and activities, a short church service with singing and a home cooked meal. You and your child/children will be very welcome. Just turn up!
By Webmaster March 22, 2025
SYCAMORE ADULT PATHWAY IN FAITH Wednesdays 7pm for 7.30pm at Sacred Heart Hall Looking for answers about the Catholic faith? We will talk about the existence of God, how God speaks to us, the person of Jesus, Mary, the Sacraments and many other key beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church. Interested? Please contact Dcn Larry and Yvette Murawski on lmurawski@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk Scrutinies Rites - Sundays 9am Mass SH Church
By Webmaster March 22, 2025
CHRISTIANS TOGETHER - GOOD FRIDAY 18th APRIL Fareham. Service of Witness - 10:15am. At the Podium All are welcome! Free hot cross buns. Portchester. Walk of Witness - 9:45am in Precinct
By Webmaster March 22, 2025
In order to faithfully keep watch with the Lord in the ‘Garden’, we need to ensure we have at least four Guardians of the Blessed Sacrament between Mass (c.9pm) and Night Prayer at 11pm. Please contact the office if you can volunteer for a 30 min slot or can keep vigil all evening.
By Webmaster March 22, 2025
Palm Sunday Blessing of the Palms and Passion Gospel There will be a second collection for the Easter Flowers 6.30pm Vigil No palm procession. 9am Mass Gather on the pavement by the railings of the Sacred Heart Church (facing the Bus Station) We’ll process into our Church via the Foyer. 11am Mass Gather in the hall. We’ll process via hall exit into our Church via the Foyer. 6pm Mass No palm procession Holy Tuesday Chrism Mass - Mass of the Sacred Oils 11am St John’s Cathedral, Portsmouth All are very welcome for this important gathering of the Diocese in the Cathedral, with the Bishop and his Clergy renewing their Ordination promises. Do try and join us! The Solemn Blessing of the Oils; of Catechumens, the Sick and consecration of the Oil of Chrism for our community. Maundy Thursday At St Philip Howard Church 7:30pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper Procession of the Oils, Washing of the Feet, The Eucharist, and procession of the Bl. Sacrament taken from the Church. Watching - Altar of Repose in the Hall. Night Prayer at c.11pm. Good Friday 9am Stations of the Cross - Sacred Heart Church. 9.45am Walk of Witness - in Precinct 10:15am Service of Witness - West St. Podium. 3pm Passion of Our Lord At St Philip Howard Church Holy Saturday At Sacred Heart Church 9.30am Office of Readings & Morning Prayer Święnconka - Blessing of the Easter Baskets 10am - Immaculate Conception Church, Stubbington The Resurrection of the Lord 8:30pm The Easter Vigil At St Philip Howard Church The Fire, Blessing of Paschal Candle, Sequence, Liturgy of Light, Scripture readings, Blessing of Water, Renewal of Baptismal Promises, Initiations, Confirmation and Eucharist. Reception in Hall afterwards!  Easter Sunday 9am Dawn Mass - Sacred Heart Church 11am Day Mass - St Philip Howard Church
By Webmaster March 22, 2025
Next Preparation Pathway Online preparation sessions Tues 6th & 13th May Group Meet & Greet Saturday 17th May Welcome & Anointing Sunday 18th May Why not take part while ‘still expecting’? Contact the parish office for more information.
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Pope Francis

If peoples are to remain brothers and sisters, prayer must rise unceasingly to Heaven, and one single word constantly echo on earth: peace.

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