This is the time to be creative, not guilty. If we don't often gather as a family because dinner time is hectic with activities, create a new tradition and make it a before bedtime ritual to light a candle and say a few prayers reflecting on the day that has ended.
Or if morning works better, start the day with Advent prayers holding in our hearts our hopes for the day ahead and lighting the Advent candle over breakfast. If I am alone in my home, I can create my own ritual, knowing that I am joining with Christians around the world in this sacred season.
Let us pray,
Oh, Lord, be with us now
as we gather around this wreath.
As we light these candles, may this time together
open our eyes to see your love in our lives
and in the love we share for each other.
Help us to be grateful for all of the ways
you shine a light in the darkness of our hearts.
Let us feel that love from you and be grateful for it. Open our hearts to those
who have so much less than we do;
And those whose lives are so full of pain
that they cannot see the light of your love.
Show us how to carry that light to other people. Amen.
Parish Office:
01329 318 869
41 Portland St, Fareham, PO16 0NQ
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