Palm Sunday Blessing of the Palms and Passion Gospel Sat Vigil 6:30pm: No procession and simple Passion reading
Sun 9am: Palm Procession and Passion in parts Sun 11am: Palm Procession and Passion in parts Sun 6pm: No procession and simple reading of the Passion There will be a retiring collection for the Easter Flowers
Holy Tuesday Chrism Mass - Mass of the Sacred Oils 11am St John’s Cathedral, Portsmouth All are welcome for this important gathering of the Diocese with the Bishop and his Clergy renewing their Ordination promises, the Solemn Blessing of the Oil of Catechumens, the Oil of the Sick and the consecration of the Sacred Oil of Chrism for the sacramental life of our community.
Maundy Thursday 7:30pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper at St PH Church Procession of the Oils, Washing of the Feet, The Eucharist, and procession of the Blessed Sacrament taken from the Church. Watching at the Altar of Repose in the Hall Night Prayer at 11pm
Good Friday 9am Stations of the Cross - Sacred Heart Church 10.20am Service of Witness - Podium, West St. 9:30am Service of Witness - Portchester Precinct 3pm Passion of Our Lord at St PH Church
Holy Saturday 9am Office of Readings & Morning Prayer - Sacred Heart Ch. 10am Święnconka - ‘Blessing of the Easter food’ at Our Lady Church, Stubbington The Resurrection of the Lord
7:30pm The Easter Vigil at St PH Church The Fire, Blessing of Paschal Candle, Sequence, Liturgy of Light, Scripture readings, Blessing of Water, Renewal of Baptismal Promises, Initiations, Confirmation and Eucharist. Reception in Hall afterwards!
Easter Sunday 9am Dawn Mass - Sacred Heart Church 11am Day Mass - St Philip Howard Church
Parish Office:
01329 318 869
41 Portland St, Fareham, PO16 0NQ
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