LENT - Dates for the diary
Stations of the Cross and Benediction Wednesday & Friday, 9:30am before Mass Sundays 4pm, at Sacred Heart Church A physical, mental, and spiritual devotion. Walking from station to station we think what happened in that station, uniting our sufferings with Christ’s. 7am Dawn Mass. Thursdays at Sacred Heart Church A simple mass followed by a lovely breakfast in the Hall hosted by the UCM supporting our Lent Appeal raising money for Citizens’ Advice Fareham.
St Margaret Mary Church, Park Gate Fasting The law of fasting requires a Catholic between the ages of 18 - 60yrs eats only one full meal in a day, with no food in-between meals. It is understood that two other meals, if one eats three meals a day, should not total one full meal. Suggest one might fast in a more complete way, i.e., eating only a portion of a single meal. (CCC 2043) Abstinence means not to eat meat. Its purpose is to be an act of sacrifice, that helps us grow in freedom to make much bigger sacrifices. It would not make sense to make the sacrifice of not eating meat, and then eat a wonderful meal I might enjoy even more. Lent Devotions Stations of the Cross and Benediction Wednesday & Friday, 9:30am before Mass Sundays 4pm, at Sacred Heart Church A physical, mental, and spiritual devotion. Walking from station to station, we think what happened in that station, uniting our sufferings with Christ’s. 7am Dawn Mass Thursdays in Lent at Sacred Heart Church Starting on Thursday 15th February; a simple mass followed by a lovely breakfast in the Hall hosted by the UCM supporting our Lent Appeal. LENT LUNCHES - PORTCHESTER CHURCHES TOGETHER Thursdays in Lent, 12noon at Methodist Church, Castle St All welcome to join the 30 min service followed by soup, bread and cheese. Donations; to Christian Aid & CAFOD. LENT APPEAL This year our Lent Appeal will be supporting Citizens Advice - Fareham. They have been helping the people of Fareham since 1942 with free, impartial and independent advice on; money, debt, housing, consumer problems, family & relationship issues, employment worries and more. For more info about their work, visit www.public.citafareham.org
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01329 318 869
41 Portland St, Fareham, PO16 0NQ
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