Post-pandemic the parish has continued to grow and thrive. Mass attendance has increased and there are a growing number of parish groups for parishioners to be part of. To better serve parishioners, there will be some changes to the Mass Timetable, Adoration and Confessions.
Tuesday 10am Mass SH. Adoration until 12 noon
Wednesday 10am Mass SPH
Thursday 10am Mass SH Adoration ‘Vocations’ 7 - 8pm
Friday 10am Mass SH
Thursdays after Mass in Presbytery Day Room 1st Saturdays; 10am - 11am SH Church 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays; 5pm in Confessional
If you can be a Guardian on a Tuesday morning or Thursday evening, please contact the Parish Office.
Parish Office:
01329 318 869
41 Portland St, Fareham, PO16 0NQ
Email the office - click here
Visit the Diocese of Portsmouth here
Copyright 2023 © The Catholic church of Fareham and Portchester. All rights reserved A parish of the Diocese of Portsmouth. The Diocese of Portsmouth is a Registered Charity (No 1199568)
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