STELLA MARIS - CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATE APPEAL What do you want for Christmas? Whatever it is it’s highly likely it will have come to this country by sea. Did you know there will be about 400,000 Seafarers working over Christmas, separated from their families and friends? Stella Maris meets and supports seafarers around the world and want to show them that they are not forgotten this Christmas. We are planning to collect hundreds of chocolate Christmas presents for seafarers visiting our Southern Region ports in the days before Christmas. We are looking for chocolate tubs/boxes such as Quality Street, Celebrations, Roses etc. Any donations can be given to the Parish Office along with any knitted items that have been collected throughout the year, ready to be sent off.
Parish Office:
01329 318 869
41 Portland St, Fareham, PO16 0NQ
Email the office - click here
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